About Ambient Music is Dead

My little spot on the web, mainly about modern classical, electronic music, and adjacent genres. It's not a hard rule but my taste often falls on the quiet side of the music balance. Updates can be a little infrequent, depending on my availability and desire to write (and it's not the first time I'm trying this kind of blogging and failed to keep up... :) )

Why this name?

Mancunian Band, Marconi Union has a track titled A.M.I.D (for "Ambient Music is Dead") as a provoking statement about how, nowadays, a whole lot of music is called ambient, just because it's not as bombastic as the rest, and the genre is losing some of its identity. It makes me things a lot about why ambient music is so important to me and why the term itself is not that important as long as the kind of music we enjoy is still being made, loved, and evolving. And, of course, it's a cool domain name.

Who are you?

I'm me! Enguerrand. I'm french, proficient in English but not entirely fluent. Also, not a writer; Be kind.

Can I contact you?

Yes, at contact(at)ambientmusicisdead(dot)com