Piano day 2020 - Nils Frahm releases a new album

Piano day 2020 - Nils Frahm releases a new album

Empty, the new Nils Frahm album contains 8 previously unreleased track conceived the start of the previous decade. They are quite gorgeous, intimate, warm, slow piano tracks. It is very comforting lullabies and this release with all the others revolving around piano day 2020 makes me quite hopeful in a much needed time of our life (for context, I wrote this at the end of March 2020, in a Paris suburb flat during Covid-19 related quarantine). It helps a lot. To relax these damn shoulders and take an accidental big breath, all the things I keep forgetting to do.

Like everything else, most of the piano day related live events were canceled but piano day 2020 happens and music still happens and artists keep making it. I bought a lot of music in the last few weeks, despite the big economic uncertainties around me, I needed it and they need it too.